Eid ul Adha Salah

Reminder for Eid Salah on Tuesday 20th July 2021

Jamaat Times:

🔹 7am led by Dr Moola

🔹 8am led by Dr Mohiud-Din

🔹 9am led by Iqbal Nasim

For Eid Salah no bookings are required and social distancing restrictions have been lifted. The prayer is open to all - brothers, sisters and children.

The Eid prayer will commence exactly on the hour (7am, 8am and 9am) therefore please ensure you arrive at least 15 mins before (6.45am, 7.45am and 8.45am).

Eid prayers begin with the prayer, followed by the khutbah.

Attending both is a mandatory part of the Eid Salah.

As you arrive for prayer, please fill up the front rows so that space is fully utilised and there is minimal contact between people.

Please adhere to the following rules:

🔹Masks MUST be worn at all times

🔹No hugging

🔹No shaking hands

🔹Make wudhu at home

If you are yet to be fully vaccinated and have concerns about close contact please attend the many Eid Salah in the locality being held outdoors in public parks. For further details please contact Morden ICC, COM Sutton or AlHidayah Croydon.

We look forward to seeing you and may Allah accept our ibaadah/sacrifices.

Walaikum as salaam

MCWAS Trustees


Eid Mubarak


Strengthening Our Iman