Prayer & Worship
Here at MCWAS we ensure the Muslim community can please Allah and fulfil their ibaadah (worship) and prayers required throughout the year.
5 Daily Prayers
We maintain an annual prayer calendar with set Jamaat times. The prayer space is available to men and women. We always encourage everyone in the community to attend as many prayers in the congregation as they can.
Friday Prayers (Jumuah)
Every Friday we hold a Jumuah khutbah at MCWAS at 1.15pm in the winter months and 1.30pm in the summer. We deliver our khutbahs in English to ensure the congregation receive a coherent reminder and also invite special guest khateebs from other Islamic institutes every month. Our sermons are recorded and can be viewed in our Media section
Taraweh Prayers
Every night in Ramadan we perform 20 rakahs Taraweh prayers after Esha. Our Imam Yusuf recites alongside various other international guests during the month.
Eid Prayers
Eid ul Adha and Eid ul Fitr prayers are prayed in the centre every year. We hold multiple Jamaats for the Eid prayer, from 7am till 10am to ensure as many families can attend the prayer.
During Ramadan we allow a small set of people to perform ihtikaaf at the centre.
Qiyaam-Ul Layl
For the last ten nights in Ramadhan we pray 8 rakah Qiyam Ul Layl before Suhr seeking reward and forgiveness from Allah
Ramadan Iftaar
For every day in Ramadan we provide iftaar for the whole community. This is open to all the family and is completely free.
Sunnah Fasts
To encourage the community to fast outside the month of ramadan we hold regular iftaar for sunnah fasts such as Yawm ul Bid and for Monday/Thursdays fasts.