Hall Hire

Hall hire enquiry form

Please complete the below Hall hire enquiring form and the centre manager will be in touch with you

Terms and conditions

Use of MCWAS Hall

  1. The MCWAS hall is available for hire for the use of individual, voluntary, community or charitable organisations only for non-commercial purposes, i.e. charitable or community-related matters or work associated with the voluntary and community sector. The final decision regarding the hire of the centre is down to the discretion of the MCWAS trustees.

  2. The hall has chairs and tables that can be used during the hire. These have to be put back after the hire. 

  3. The hall hire includes the use of the kitchen but DOES NOT include the use of the cooker or oven or any of the cutlery.

  4. The hall hire DOES NOT include the use of the prayer area downstairs


MCWAS Hall Hire standard fees include:

  1. Hire fee is £50 per hour

  2. A cleaning fee of £20 is mandatory for any large events where food is being catered.

  3. Insurance costs to cover for your specific event (based on hire activities/food etc) 


  1. Payment of a hire fee is typically required for bookings.

  2. The booking will not be confirmed until the agreed payment has been received and the signed (hard copy) agreement has been received.

  3. Payments for hire fees can be made online via our website at (https://www.mcwas.org/store/p/hall-hire). Payment must be received no later than 7 days before the date of the event. 


  1. Cancellations should be notified to us at least 14 days in advance for a full refund. 

  2. To cancel 14 days or more before the event date - A FULL REFUND WILL BE ISSUED 

  3. To cancel 7 days or less before the event date - NO REFUND WILL BE ISSUED

  4. We reserve the right to cancel any booking to prioritise any MCWAS-related event or in order to carry out essential repairs or maintenance; in this event, any payments will be refunded.

Publicising the event

  1. You will publicise the event location only as ‘Wentworth Hall'’ to the general public, and notify only registered attendees of the exact location (80 Ruskin Road, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 3DH)

Liability for Loss or Damage

  1. You are responsible for any loss or damage suffered by MCWAS as a consequence of your activities as a hirer. This includes (but is not restricted to) damage to the premises, fixtures, fittings, furniture and equipment, call-out fees for false fire equipment, and loss of income. We may ask you for additional compensation if we suffer losses or damage for which you are responsible.  

  2. You are responsible for the actions of people you admit to the centre as part of your booking, or who gain access to the centre because you fail to control access properly. 

  3. You are responsible for having an appropriate safeguarding policy in place. Any organisations or individuals hiring the hall for the purposes of holding activities involving children or vulnerable adults are confirming by signing the terms and conditions of booking that you have an appropriate safeguarding policy in place and are DBS (enhanced) checked. 

Fire Precautions

  1. You must read and comply with the fire notices posted throughout the building. A copy of the standard notice will be supplied to you on request. 

  2. You must familiarise yourself with the fire alarm points in each room, the location of fire extinguishers and the available escape routes. A map showing these is attached to this document. 

  3. You must not prop any fire doors open, obstruct any fire doors or escape routes, damage any fire safety equipment, cause any dangerous accumulations of combustible materials to occur, or do anything likely to cause a fire risk.

  4. In the event of a fire, your primary responsibility is to ensure the rapid and safe evacuation of the building.

  5. You must inform the Centre Manager if any of the fire extinguishers have been used, whether deliberately or accidentally.


  1. The Centre Manager will unlock the building for your event. It is your responsibility to meet them at this time. 

  2. In exceptional circumstances, you will be offered a key to access the building. It is your responsibility to contact the Centre Manager and arrange to collect the key before the activity begins. When you leave, the key should be returned to the Centre Manager.

  3. When you leave, you must check that all members of your group/event have left the building and close all doors behind you.

  4. After you have left, the Centre Manager/Volunteer will lock up.

Alcohol, smoking and illegal drugs

  1. You must not allow alcohol on the premises.

  2. You must not smoke on the premises.  

  3. You must not allow illegal drugs on the premises.


  1. You must ensure that members of your group leave the premises quietly and on time in the evening in order to not disturb our neighbours.

  2. You must ensure that the fire escape doors are not left open or opened frequently as conversation can be loud enough to cause a nuisance to neighbours if doors are open.

  3. Music is not permitted on the premises.


  1. The heating is controlled centrally and users are not permitted access to the heating controls.

Parking and Vehicle Access

  1. Parking on neighbouring streets is available. Please do not obstruct our neighbour’s driveway and ensure you park sensibly.   

Your Equipment and Fittings

  1. You must obtain our agreement in advance if you intend to introduce any materials or equipment into the premises that might introduce a safety hazard, cleaning problems or inconvenience to other users; for example party spray, straw, hay, sawdust, flammable drapes, glues, paints or cooking equipment. We may refuse permission to introduce these items or impose additional conditions on your hire to mitigate hazards.

  2. Smoke machines trigger our fire alarm system. You must not use smoke machines on the premises.

  3. If you intend to introduce decorations or signs into the building, you must tell us about this.

  4. You must not use temporary fittings; for example ‘BluTack’ or masking tape. These leave a mark on the walls. 

  5. You must not use permanent or semi-permanent fittings, for example, nails, screws and staples. You must not use drawing pins for any purposes – they are easily lost and can be dangerous.

  6. You must not attach anything to electrical wires, gas or water pipes, or electric, gas or water fittings.


  1. The centre is insured for MCWAS liabilities only. You may inspect our certificate of insurance on request.

  2. If you are a registered organisation, you must have your own Public Liability Insurance

  3. MCWAS does not insure our users against risks resulting from the activities they undertake – it is your responsibility to inform us of the activities you intend to undertake so that we can seek additional insurance cover for you to pay.

  4. Please note this time, there is no need for you to purchase specific event insurance as noted under 'Fees':

    Insurance costs to cover for your specific event (based on hire activities/food etc) however as this is not a MCWAS event we cannot accept any public liability from the event taking place, please confirm you are happy to proceed on this basis.

Health & Safety

  1. You must ensure that your activities, levels of supervision, working practices and equipment comply with current health and safety legislation and guidance.

  2. You must take reasonable care at all times for the safety of yourself and all others who might be affected by your actions. 

  3. Children should be accompanied by and under the care of a responsible parent or guardian at all times.


  1. All accidents or near-accidents must be notified to the Centre Manager so that we can try to prevent any recurrence.

  2. There is a first-aid box outside the office. You must notify the Centre Manager if you use any supplies so that we can re-stock them.

  3. If there is no member of staff available, you should email us about the accident and/or use of first-aid supplies after the event.

After the activity or event

  1. Furniture

  2. After use, furniture must be returned to its proper place.

  3. You must observe any notices regarding the placement of furniture and how it should be stacked.

Cleaning and Tidying 

  1. You must ensure that the hall is left clean enough for use by others.

  2. Floors should be swept (and mopped if there were any spillages) and hoovered. Cleaning equipment is kept opposite the office in the storage room. 

  3. All rubbish must be put in the correct bins outside with plastics, cards and waste separated.  If the amount of waste does not fit in the bins outside, you must take it with you. 

  4. Before leaving you must check the toilets and clean them if necessary.

  5. If we have allowed you to store equipment on the premises, whether in a store room or elsewhere, you must ensure that it is stored safely and tidily so that it does not constitute a fire risk or any other hazard to anyone. You must remove stored equipment promptly when required to do so.

  6. As mentioned above, a cleaning fee of £20 is mandatory for any events where food is being catered.